Crazy Enough to Care: Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation by Alvin C. Bibbs Sr.
Crazy Enough to Care: Changing Your World Through Compassion, Justice and Racial Reconciliation by Alvin C. Bibbs Sr. PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Nothing confronts a person's faith quite like injustice, pain, suffering. We see these things in our world, in our neighborhoods, and we don't know what to do with ourselves. We've got to do something, but where to begin? What to do? How to do it? Crazy Enough to Care will take you and your friends on a journey, uncovering the things that make compassion impractical in contemporary society, addressing the fears that crop up as we consider reaching out to people we know and people we don't know, and offering opportunities to practice compassion together. Give Alvin Bibbs and his team of experts twelve sessions, and you and your group will find yourselves changing the world by caring for others.From reader reviews:
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