Blood of the Celts: The New Ancestral Story by Jean Manco
Blood of the Celts: The New Ancestral Story by Jean Manco PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From prehistory to the present day, an unrivaled look deep into the contentious origins of the Celts
Blood of the Celts brings together genetic, archaeological, and linguistic evidence to address the often-debated question: who were the Celts? What peoples or cultural identities should that term describe? And did they in fact inhabit the British Isles before the Romans arrived? Author Jean Manco challenges existing accounts of the origins of the Celts, providing a new analysis that draws on the latest discoveries as well as ancient history.In a novel approach, the book opens with a discussion of early medieval Irish and British texts, allowing the Celts to speak in their own words and voices. It then traces their story back in time into prehistory to their deepest origins and their ancestors, before bringing the narrative forward to the present day. Each chapter also has a useful summary in bullet points to aid the reader and highlight the key facts in the story. 102 illustrations
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