Selasa, 09 September 2014

PDF⋙ Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Religion, Cognition and Culture)

Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Religion, Cognition and Culture)

Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Religion, Cognition and Culture)

Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Religion, Cognition and Culture) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Why is the set of human beliefs and behaviours that we call "religion" such a widespread feature of all known human societies, past and present, and why are there so many forms of religiosity found throughout history and culture? "Mental Culture" brings together an international range of scholars  -  from  Anthropology, History, Psychology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies - to answer these questions. Connecting classical theories and approaches with the newly established field of the Cognitive Science of Religion, the aim of "Mental Culture" is to provide scholars and students of religion with an overview of contemporary scientific approaches to religion while tracing their intellectual development to some of the great thinkers of the past.

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Mental Culture: Classical Social Theory and the Cognitive Science of Religion (Religion, Cognition and Culture) EPub

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