Rabu, 12 November 2014

PDF⋙ Ballet Barre & Center Combinations: Volume I: Word Descriptions by Linda A. Crist

Ballet Barre & Center Combinations: Volume I: Word Descriptions by Linda A. Crist

Ballet Barre & Center Combinations: Volume I: Word Descriptions

Ballet Barre & Center Combinations: Volume I: Word Descriptions by Linda A. Crist PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced dancers, the barre combinations in this first volume include at least 10 versions of each traditional exercise: plié, battement tendu, battement dégagé, rond de jambe à terre, battement frappé and fondu, rond de jambe en l'air, adagio and stretch, and grand battement.

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