Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ The Bipolar Disorder Workbook by Stephen Wills

The Bipolar Disorder Workbook by Stephen Wills

The Bipolar Disorder Workbook

The Bipolar Disorder Workbook by Stephen Wills PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with bipolar or have a long history with the disease, this book is for you. Filled with exercises designed to improve relevant skills from symptom awareness to medication management, this workbook will help you lessen the damaging side effects of the disease, develop coping skills and minimize the chance of a breakdown. The Bipolar Disorder Workbook includes exercises and self tests that build skills in the following areas: * Symptom Recognition * Symptom Awareness * Boundaries and Risk Management * Preventative Maintenance * Support Network Management * Medication Management * Managing Professional Care * Plus Alternative Therapies From understanding your symptoms to identifying triggers to managing your health care provider, The Bipolar Disorder Workbook will put you on track to a better and more productive life.

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