Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

PDF⋙ Energy and Spectrum Efficient Wireless Network Design by Guowang Miao, Guocong Song

Energy and Spectrum Efficient Wireless Network Design by Guowang Miao, Guocong Song

Energy and Spectrum Efficient Wireless Network Design

Energy and Spectrum Efficient Wireless Network Design by Guowang Miao, Guocong Song PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Covering the fundamental principles and state-of-the-art cross-layer techniques, this practical guide provides the tools needed to design MIMO- and OFDM-based wireless networks that are both energy- and spectrum-efficient. Technologies are introduced in parallel for both centralized and distributed wireless networks to give you a clear understanding of the similarities and differences between their energy- and spectrum-efficient designs, which is essential for achieving the highest network energy saving without losing performance. Cutting-edge green cellular network design technologies, enabling you to master resource management for next-generation wireless networks based on MIMO and OFDM, and detailed real-world implementation examples are provided to guide your engineering design in both theory and practice. Whether you are a graduate student, a researcher or a practitioner in industry, this is an invaluable guide.

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