Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series) (Elgar Original Reference) by Mauro Bussani, Anthony Sebok

Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series) (Elgar Original Reference) by Mauro Bussani, Anthony Sebok

Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series) (Elgar Original Reference)

Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series) (Elgar Original Reference) by Mauro Bussani, Anthony Sebok PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

'An admirably sprawling survey of tort law in its broadest sense. Some chapters offer important comparative insights into malpractice, products liability, liability for economic loss, and tort damages. Others helpfully address related topics including jurisdiction, choice of law, insurance, and the tort-crime interface. The reader is also treated to historical, economic, philosophical, and cultural analyses of tort, and to informative chapters on the operation of tort law in non-western legal systems. Entirely apt to our global era, Comparative Tort Law is an important resource and the perfect antidote to narrow, parochial conceptions of tort law's character and significance.'
- John C. P. Goldberg, Harvard Law School, US

Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives provides a framework for analyzing and understanding the current state of tort law in most of the world's legal systems. The book examines tort law theories and cultures through a comparative methodology. It looks at general issues at play throughout the globe, such as causation, economic and non-economic damages, product and professional liability, as well as the relationship between tort law and crime, insurance, and public welfare schemes.

This collection of essays written by tort law experts from around the world also offers a comprehensive comparative assessment of tort law rules, and consideration for the cultural contexts in which tort laws live, covering many jurisdictions that are usually neglected by mainstream debates and literature. Insightful case studies analyze specific features of selected tort systems in Europe, USA, Latin America, East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa.

This path-breaking, though accessible book is a critical tool for students, policymakers, practitioners, scholars and academic researchers, especially tort law and comparative law specialists.

Contributors: A. Basir Bin Mohamad, M. Bussani, E. Büyüksagis, D.N. Dagbanja, G. Dari-Mattiacci, M. de Morpurgo, M. Dyson, I. Ebert, E.A. Engle, J. Gordley, H. Jiang, E. Hondius, M. Infantino, D. Jutras, E. Matsumoto, V.V. Palmer, F. Parisi, M. Reimann, A.J. Sebok, S.D. Sugarman, S.C. Symeonides, F. Werro

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Comparative Tort Law: Global Perspectives (Research Handbooks in Comparative Law Series) (Elgar Original Reference) by Mauro Bussani, Anthony Sebok EPub

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