Sandplay: Past, Present and Future by Harriet S. Friedman, Rie Rogers Mitchell
Sandplay: Past, Present and Future by Harriet S. Friedman, Rie Rogers Mitchell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Sandplay is one of the fastest growing therapies. What are its origins, who were it pioneers, and how have they influenced the current practice of sandplay? What does the future hold?Rie Rogers Mitchell and Harriet S. Friedman have written a unique book that answers all these questions and many more. They give an overview of the historical origins of sandplay, including biographical profiles of the innovators together with discussions of their seminal writings. The five main therapeutic trends are explored, and in a final chapter the future of sandplay is discussed through addressing emerging issues and concerns. A special feature is a comprehensive international bibliography as well as a listing of sandtray videotapes and audiotapes.
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